at five he needed his mother. 5 意味
- 歳では母親が必要だった
- five five 伍つ いつつ 五 ご 五つ いつつ
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- needed needed 所要 しょよう
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- 5 V〔ローマ数字。◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
- five prime ((5'))-cap five prime ((5'))-cap 5'キャップ[医生]
- five prime ((5'))-end five prime ((5'))-end 5'末端[医生]
- child in his mother's makeup 母親{ははおや}の化粧品{けしょうひん}を塗りたくった子ども
- takes after (his mother) takes after (his mother) 似 に
- your (his) mother your (his) mother 母堂 ぼどう
- first time that someone realized that he needed glasses 《the ~》メガネが必要{ひつよう}だと(人)が最初{さいしょ}に[初めて]実感{じっかん}[自覚{じかく}]したとき
- take someone back to his mother (人)を母親{ははおや}のもと[所]へ[に]連れて帰る
- forgot to pay his brain bill., he 彼はばか[あほ]だ。
- give someone what he needs for his illness (人)の病気{びょうき}を治す[治療{ちりょう}する]のに必要{ひつよう}なものを与える
- he stands in a desert counting the seconds of his life {映画} : 時を数えて、砂漠に立つ◆米1985